Hallmark Charity Foundation

Hallmark Charity Foundation

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HCF is an NGO focused on education of less privileged children and skill acquisition for women and youth in remote areas

Hallmark Children Foundation was founded in the year 2018 in Abuja, Nigeria. It was born out of the pain of seeing children at home and on the street during school hours due to poverty and also women and youth who struggles to live.

HCF is a non-profit organization providing basic education, provision of clothes, food and drug to poor families as well as skill acquisition training for women and youth to add value to their lives. Our priority is to help the children of remote communities in Nigeria thereby cushioning the side effects of limitations/challenges of the environment.

In Nigeria, the numbers of Out of School Children are over 15 million and those who live in poverty are over 100 million of which women and youth make up the majority thereby creating a scenario which is better imagined than experienced. It is intended that HCF will provide solution for out of poverty for many Nigerian families.

Breast Care Foundation

Breast Care Foundation

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Breast Care Foundation is a recognized and respected registered Section 18 NPO created in September of 2013 and depends on there own fundraising to assist women, families, hospitals, children, destitute with life saving information and assistance of food parcels, clothing, blankets, soup kitchens, stationery, etc.

Nothing successful is ever accomplished alone as Lydia has a strong team of employees, sponsors, consultants to deliver help those in need.

Support Claire Charity

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doublejack supports charities - this is from Keith.

Our charity effort is personal. In March of 2023 my wife Claire was diagnosed with a Level 1 Cancer on her back. Due to a high deductible healthcare private health plan … the only plan available to use as a Business Analyst Consultant our family has incurred 10k in medical bills.

This charity is to help us take care of these expenses which may continue into 2023 as Claire health improves but many tests and rehab steps are to come.

The photo shows Claire completing Chemotherapy - ringing the completion bell.

"Love Your Nuts" Foundation - Cancer Charity

"Love Your Nuts" Foundation - Cancer Charity

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The goal of Love Your Nuts is to raise awareness of (testicular) cancer by educating communities about the rarely spoken about cancer that often remains undetected in young adults due to our diverse society in South Africa, where cultural taboos, stigmas and a lack of knowledge about the subject is widespread.

Our Cancer Smart School Programme (includes all cancers) is for students from age 10 to 19. Currently we’re raising funds to get this programme developed into a gaming app and your contribution will help us to reach our goal.

The main goals throughout the game are to educate:

Saving Sri Lanka

Saving Sri Lanka

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Sri Lanka is experiencing a multi-dimensional economic crisis compounded by food insecurity, growing conservation concerns and scarcity threatening lives and livelihoods.

Development and humanitarian partners in Sri Lanka estimate that nearly 5.7 million citizens are in need of immediate humanitarian assistance in 25 districts across the country. The 1.7 million people targeted by the GNP are among those whose livelihoods, food security and access to health services are most at risk. 
The UN Resident Coordinator in Sri Lanka emphasized the urgent need to prevent a humanitarian crisis later in the year while bridging efforts toward longer-term development needs.

“Sri Lanka's once-strong healthcare system is now in jeopardy, livelihoods are suffering and the most vulnerable are facing the greatest impact,”.
Food production in the last harvest season was 40 to 50 percent lower than last year, and current seed and fertilizer shortages, as well as a lack of credit for food producers, threaten the next production cycle. 
Prices have jumped significantly since the end of 2021, forcing families to resort to skipping meals, eating cheaper meals or limiting portion sizes. Almost 22 percent of the population needs food aid. The food security situation in Sri Lanka is multi-factorial, unless we act now, many families will not be able to meet their basic food needs. Let’s Stand Together Together we can change the world!

Sign up, Play and Support

We all share our profits with charities - every ticket or paid game will do!

Support the Independence of the Canadian Firstnation

Support the Independence of the Canadian Firstnation

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The Gilantin Clan of the Naduten Peoples of Northwestern BC Canada (Babine Lake), are seeking your support to help them regain some of the sovereignty and self-sufficiency their peoples had in years gone by.

They must stay only on the tiny little barren Indian Reserves set aside for them 70 years ago (some less than 30 acres for up to hundreds of their people to eke out a meager living with dependency at every turn).

Meanwhile their traditional lands are being ravaged and destroyed by industry. Their lands are their heritage and they are forced to sit idly by and witness the destruction of their forests, waterways, and food resources that were once rich in abundance.

The people wish to be idle no more! Please support them so that they can regain some of the control their peoples had to be the proud and self sufficient nation they once were.

Holidays for Heroes

Holidays for Heroes

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Did you know that doublejack.club is not only supporting charities around the world, but also doing good deeds actively?

In Jersey we support the Holidays for Heroes Charity and take the heroes and their families for a spin around the island on our Harleys.
Nothing better than to be around oneselves and give back to society.

So can you! Join The Club at doublejack.club/affiliate and start supporting your local community.

We all share our profits with charities - every ticket or paid game will do!