Please select the formats for your table display, which are designed for DIN A4/letter size paper, and indicate the quantity of sheets required.In Word / Libre Office and similar, you can effortlessly incorporate your QR code and position it within the provided white square, then proceed to print.
After printing, cut out sheets and position them on your tabletop displays or best positions for best view of your guests.
Don't forget to train your staff - they should have knowledge about
Find table displays in differet sizes to order here (Amazon)
Table Display / Tischaufsteller de/en/cn DIN A4 PDF (universal usage)
Table Display / Tischaufsteller de/en/cn DIN A4 WORD (universal usage)
Table Display / Tischaufsteller de/en/cn DIN A5 WORD (universal usage)
Table Display / Tischaufsteller de/en/cn DIN A6 WORD (universal usage)
doublejack tischaufsteller DIN A4 - PDF file for own usage.
Table Display / Tischaufsteller DIN A4 / Letter
Table Display / Tischaufsteller DIN A5 / Letter
Table Display / Tischaufsteller DIN A6 / Letter